Twelve high-growth companies have been selected from inbound applications to pitch live at the 4th annual Fintech and Funding Conference: VELOCITY (#FFCON18). These companies will be pitching in four sessions on March 5, to be led by McCarthy Tétrault, Techstars Toronto, Startup Canada and Brightspark Ventures. Congratulations to the 12 finalists!
- Cinchy
- Coder
- ColliderX
- Distributed ID
- FintruX
- Homewise
- JustGotThat! Inc
- KickCity
- Neptune Dash Technologies
- Swiggle
- Voleo
One winning company will be chosen from each of the four live pitching sessions at FFCON18, determined by a panel of judges and the crowd. Winning companies will receive prize packages consisting of free Lean Startup Training Programs from Launch Academy, a complementary Press Release Package for North American distribution from ACCESSWIRE, a “Front of the Line” Golden Ticket from CBC Dragon’s Den and more! These tickets will guarantee the winning companies a chance to pitch in front of the infamous dragons at any of their Season 13 upcoming auditions.
The Conference, to be held from March 5-6, 2018, attracts blockchain, crypto and fintech innovators, investors, companies actively raising capital and key decision makers/stakeholders in technology and capital markets from all over Canada and around the world. Click here to view the full program.
Neptune Dash runs infrastructure for the Dash cryptocurrency network, specifically dedicated servers known as masternodes. We also build innovative technology that pushes the Dash currency to the next level. TSX-V: DASH
SENSO.AI is an enterprise SaaS Customer Experience Management (CXM) platform, which predicts mortgage churn for financial institutions. Our loan and geographic level visualizations provide retention and marketing teams with recommendations on how to increase retention, lifetime value, and the size and quality of their mortgage portfolios.