4 out of 12 Startups Will Win A “Front of the Line” Golden Ticket to Dragon’s Den Season 12 Auditions

We’re excited to announce once again that CBC Dragon’s Den will be providing 4 #CCS2017 live pitching winners with a “Front of the Line” Golden Ticket! These tickets will guarantee the winning companies a chance to pitch in front of the infamous dragons at any of their Season 12 upcoming auditions. One winning company will be chosen from each of the four live pitching sessions at CCS2017, determined by a panel of judges and the crowd. Producers from the Dragon’s Den will also be in attendance at the Summit to scope out the latest crowdfinance and fintech trends.

The live pitching sessions at #CCS2017 start at 1:15 in CR3, with each session being led by an entrepreneurship ecosystem partner. Sessions are categorized by pre-revenue and post-revenue companies, and include companies from a variety of different industries. Each session includes a panel of judges that includes angel investors, VCs and entrepreneurs from companies such as BDC, Whitecap Venture Partners, Extreme Venture Partners, Flow Ventures, GreenSky Capital, iNovia and MaRS IAF. View the live pitching companies or the full CCS2017 program.

Only a few days left to register for CCS2017! Check out some deals below.

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